Its darker in there than I anticipated, so I had to bump the ISO up to 400, and open up the aperature wider than I would have liked. As a result, the depth of field is narrower than I wanted. Next time, I'll bring a tripod for a longer exposure, and some clippers to remove a little brush. I have to say, the EOS 5D MkII has some great dynamic range. For such a high contrast scene, I was able to pull in the shadows using Photoshop Lightroom.

Here is another shot. This is straight out of the camera, no post-processing whatsoever. Did I mention that I really love my 5D MkII? ;^) I like what the limited DOF did for the background, but I would have liked to keep a little more of the door handle in focus. That's OK, there will always be another chance! By the way, I did a little research on this truck and it turns out to be a Studebaker M-16, vintage 1946-1948.
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